(Clicking on the pictures will open them larger in another window.)
Sunday, November 20, 2022
Leaving the La Mesa Motel in Santa Rosa, NM this morning. Tom was putting the last of our stuff back in the Jeep. It was a clean "Mom and Pop Motel and the ice was even hand delivered. A very nice stop for us. |
A few pictures of today's ride. I always like spotting the windmills. |
Then they were standing side by side the wind turbines and my favorite, tall and proud, the windmill. |
Then we left New Mexico behind and drove into Texas. I missed the Texas Welcome sign but the state line sign is in this picture. Along with the sign that said you are entering the Central Time Zone. What it should say is: You just lost an hour of your life. |
I remembered the Big Texan was coming up and then missed the leaning water tower. |
Missed the Oklahoma Welcome sign at the state line but did manage to get the one at the Welcome Center. |
We put about 475 miles behind us today as we traveled East. Not as many as we wanted to because we did make a stop in Amarillo, Texas to do some shopping and then have a late lunch. Tom now has a winter jacket so he will not freeze as we get closer to the frozen North. We also picked up a few more clothing items so we now each have a couple of "outfits". Still on our list is winter gloves and hats though those items I actually forgot in the motorhome; they were not even on my list. One other thing is a box of Kleenex, seriously they took our box of Kleenex and the bag I had hand sanitizer and our masks in. It was a cute bag from the Treasure Island in Las Vegas where we stayed for our 25th Wedding Anniversary Trip. Which means that bag was almost 28 years old. I seriously got my money's worth out of that bag. Whoever you are who got the masks, well you enjoy them.
Monday, November 21, 2022
When we stopped here for the night it was dark. The room was quaint but clean. It looked like it belonged on Route 66 and it was. |
Chandler, OK which is the name of the city where the above motel was. We stopped at the Manvel Avenue Coffee for our morning cup. Thought the sign, upper right, they had in front pretty much summed it up. |
A couple of pictures from today's ride. I am really not taking many pictures this trip. |
This was the only sign I saw welcoming us to Missouri.
Now this is cute. They had a couple more with similar themed sayings but it was dark when we passed them. |
Today we put 497 miles behind us and that leaves exactly, according to google maps, 500 miles and we will be in our son and daughter in law's driveway. I am just slightly anxious, who am I kidding, I can hardly wait for us to pull up and gets some grandchildren and children hugs. Those hugs and the ones waiting in the Upper Peninsula are what will make this whole trip worth it.
We made several calls today and are feeling a little better about losing all our papers. Two of the people I talked to today had similar experiences which resulted in losing their personal information and they said it does get better the more you get taken care of. So, that gives us hope of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
More Pictures of the Beautiful Scenery we drove through on Friday, November 18th.
This was just before the Miami, Arizona City Limits. |
You can see where we are headed in this picture |
but first we have to make our way there. |
Looking back up at where we just came from. |
Then we could see this in the distance. |
The Salt River Canyon Rest Area at the floor of the canyon is located on the San Carlos and White Mountain Apache Reservations, according to information from the Arizona Department of Transportation. It sits on the banks of the Salt River and offers wonderful views of the canyon and the old and new bridges that cross the river.
The Salt River, along with the Black River, forms the boundary between the Fort Apache Indian Reservation to the north and the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation to the south.
The name Salt River comes from the fact that the river flows over large salt deposits shortly after the merging of the White and Black Rivers. It is within this stretch of land that the fresh water becomes salty, which again, is a very rare occurrence not commonly found anywhere else in the world. ( A few facts about the river itself that I found only and thought were interesting.)
We took the time to walk out on the bridge. |
Looking down through the highway bridge at the Salt River below. |
One last picture from where we were parked. |
I had mentioned a few pictures back that this is where we were headed and we are now here. |
This was looking down from the road. |
I will end here for today. I will be sharing the rest of this ride in our next blog.
We are glad you stopped by!
If you have time to leave a comment we would enjoy hearing from you.