Monday, January 20, 2020
I stepped out the door this morning to check if I would need a jacket when taking a walk and up pulled our friends Jill and Rick. We knew they were coming today and would be staying nearby with friends but it was a nice surprise to see them pull up. We are easier to find out here then most so after a short chat we pointed them in the right direction and they were on their way to get set up for their stay. Since they are towing their side by side and the friends they are visiting, Jeanne and Tony, have a side I am guessing there will be a ride or two in their future. (Update: the weather turned cold and with rain on Tuesday they headed back to the warmth of their home in Kingman. That being said, we will look forward to seeing you both back in the UP in the spring.)
Their vehicle and side by side look so shiny and dust free I just had to take a picture. Most vehicles out here are covered in dust. |
After they pulled away I put on my jacket and headed out for a walk. First stop to visit the Ocotillo we were parked by last year. It looked a little lonely over there by itself . Like all the other Ocotillo I have seen in this area it does not have one green leaf or any small buds on it. Still my favorite desert plant even when it is grey. |
Continuing on towards the road I passed this camp site. The arrow is pointing at the generator of the small RV on the right. (I know it is their's because there was a cord connecting the two.) This was the first time I have seen this particular set-up. There was cardboard surrounding the generator that was running as I passed by. Maybe they could not stand how loud it was either. |
I walked down the road for a ways then turned around and started back. I had noticed the Saguaro pictured below down a side road and wanted to see it close up. I always find it fascinating to stand and look at the various Saguaros when I am walking. Realizing that it takes around 10 years for a Saguaro to grow 1 inch then another 85 to 90 years to produce their first arm and that is if they do.
I have read that some never produce an arm and why is considered to be one of the desert mysteries. By around 100 years old they have grown to 15-16 feet and at 200 years old they can be as tall as 45 feet. They are such a fascinating beautiful part of the Sonoran Desert.
This guy has been through a lot in his time. Yet he is still
standing tall and strong. Bottom left I could see his roots
are now exposed. |
As I walked away I turned to take one last look
and I like to think he was waving goodbye. He has seen way more history in his lifetime then I ever will. |
Our group under cloudy skies as I walked towards home. |
As I reached our patio I spotted Keith walking towards an open area with one of his planes. So I sat and watched relaxing in my chair. |
A little later I saw Bill out flying his plane and grabbing my
camera I was able to catch it going by. |
Tonight's plan was dinner at Silly Al's. The top picture left to right: JoAnne, Bob, Keith, and Tom Bottom left: JoAnne, Bob Keith, Tom, and Deb Bottom right left to right: Gayle, Matt, Karen, Ken, Shirley, Ken, Kim, Patsy, Bill, and John. |
Unfortunately with a group of 15 it is pretty much impossible to be seated together during the week of the big tent. It would have been nicer if the two tables would have been slightly closer but we enjoyed our time with our table mates, with this group there was no lack of conversation, and the pizza as always was worth the wait. The top picture above was my attempt of a group selfie. Not bad if I would have gotten myself in the picture. JoAnne asked the waitress and she was nice enough to take the one of all of us.
When we got back home JoAnne and Bob invited everyone in for a drink. Tom and I, Patsy and Bill, and Keith accepted and we spent a short time chatting before everyone decided to call it a night. It was a nice way to bring our day to a conclusion. Thank you JoAnne and Bob and that vodka, Bob, was a nice night cap.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The day started as yesterday ended under cloudy skies and then it added a little rain. Luckily it was only few short sprinkles and by the time Shirley and Ken walked over it was done for the day. We had talked the day before and had decided to take a ride over to take a walk through the tent. Plus, Tom wanted to drop our hitch off to be serviced; it keeps the Jeep attached to the motorhome when we are going down the road so it is nice to know it is in good shape.
As we walked in the center aisle was almost empty. There two side aisles were somewhat crowded so we started here. |
After walking all three aisles, picking up some free stuff and each making one purchase inside. We checked out some of the venders outside and made a stop at the booth to purchase the new outside chairs we wanted. After dropping our purchases and free stuff off at the Jeep we decided to check out Beer Belly's. None of us had ever been in there before and we decided it was about time to check it out. Tom and I had not eaten yet and Ken generously bought us lunch, I had heard the hamburgers there were good and they were. We enjoyed time chatting while doing some people watching. On the way out Ken purchased a hat because like he said, it is "legal" we have been there.
Tom took this picture of us, unfortunately none of us thought to take a group selfie. |
Back for Happy Hour the sun was trying. When it was out it was wonderful when it disappeared behind a cloud it took the warmth with it. |
We still managed to have a good time. Middle picture left to right: Patsy, Kim, Ken, Ken, Shirley Tom, Keith, Bill, JoAnne, Bob Bottom left is Keith's dog, Oreo, she just sat quietly over by his rig the whole time, what a good dog. |
As the sun started to make its decent towards the mountains it was again behind the clouds. |
Between the sun and clouds I could see shadows |
dancing on the mountains in the distance. |
Just before it slipped out of sight for the day the sun did make one last quick appearance. |
Then we did see some pink in the sky as |
night started to descend on the desert. |
It was a day spent with friends. We enjoyed our second walk through the tent and it was a fun visit to Beer Belly's, now we can say we have been there. Later we were part of a circle during Happy Hour discussing this, that, and everything . There is never a lack of conversation and laughter always seems to fill the air. Then the circle got smaller but the fun and laughter did not. Our day ended sitting around Shirley and Ken's "little red fire" as we watched the inky black of the desert surround us. They are here for a short time and that time goes by fast as time seems to when you are "having fun" but soon it was time to say good night and make our way home to the warmth of the Stinger "B".
It was a wonderful day spent in the beauty of the desert.
We are glad you stopped by!
If you have the time to leave a comment we would enjoy hearing from you.