Friday, November 24, 2023
Stepping outside Friday morning there was a definite chill in the air as the sun was just starting to come up over the Kofa Mountains to the East of us. I did not go far but I did take a walk across the "pad" next to us. I wanted to visit a Saguaro that is slowly returning to the desert floor. The first time we parked in this area he was standing tall. As I walked I took several pictures of the sun slowly making its way up to bring light to our day.
Still beautiful in the early morning light. |
Looking straight down between our homes at the mountains the camera caught the hint of color that was in the sky. |
Walking down past Deb and Riley's home the sun had made its way over the mountains. |
One last picture of the Dome Rock Mountains to the West of us and I headed in side to the warmth of our home. |
In between today's sunrise and sunset there was a Morning Coffee Hour and a Happy Hour both spent enjoying conversations with friends. In between the day unfolded as I am sure most days do for everyone. There are those everyday chores that must be taken care of. Dishes in the sink, dust to be moved around to make room for more dust, wash to be sorted etc..none of that changes because we live n a motorhome and happen to be parked surrounded by mountains in the beauty of the desert. We are in a neighborhood where we are together but everyone respects everyone else's space. Over these past years living this life style we have been part of various neighborhoods in different places and that has always been the unspoken rule that everyone respects.
As I was writing my words today, I admit sometimes my brain wanders off on its own when I am writing the blog and as I have sometimes done in the past today I decided to share that wandering, I was thinking of the stories I have read about in the past were people would sit out on there large front porches and get to know there neighbors walking by or visiting over the fence. Even in cities sitting out on the front stoops of apartment buildings, I have pictures of my mom and I doing just that when I was little, visiting and getting to know their neighbors. Sadly that time has pretty much disappeared. We have become a society in a rush where everything needed to be in an instant. I remember evenings and Saturday's spent at the library looking up information for a paper that needed to be written for a class. Sitting at a large table all quietly working on our own yet sharing information and being together. Now all that information is at our fingertips in seconds. I remember writing letters and looking forward to receiving letters from Tom when he was overseas. Now we text and we do not even write out complete words and in an instant they are reading it. I remember going out to a restaurant with friends, enjoying the conversation before the meal and sometime thinking the food came out to fast. (Though we still do enjoy those type of meals with friends.) Now we are in line in our cars at a fast food restaurant impatient that it is taking to long. I am not saying all of the changes in our lives are bad things what I am trying to say is we have lost the camaraderie that came with the slowness of the need to pick up a book at the library to find information versus sitting at a computer in the isolation of our home. We play games with others on our phones instead of sitting down around a table. (Though again I know people still do that.) One of the perks of this lifestyle, in my opinion, is that we are getting to experience some of that time in life before "everything needed to be in an instant". When we are in RV Parks as people walk around they stop and chat even out here if someone is walking by for the most part they will stop and chat for a bit. It is a wonderful way to live and enjoy this "season" of our life. There is a relaxing peacefulness that comes with this lifestyle and we are enjoying the moments as they come.
Yes, there is noise in the desert. There are the various vehicles that occasionally go by during the day, we may hear a dog barking the distance or a coyote howling in the evening. There is even a few birds chirping in the trees. Yet, if I was to describe this place to anyone none of that would be in the description. I would only talk about the quiet and slowness of our time here which brings total peace to my soul.
The sun slowly going down in the West.
The moonlight between the clouds. |
Another good day in the desert near Quartzsite, Arizona!
We are glad you stopped by!
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