Thursday, October 24, 2019
After spending four nights in Green River, visiting two National Parks, and taking a ride up Sego Canyon it was time to move down the road.
We merged on to I-70 , drove over the Green River once again and caught a last glance of Monument Hill. |
After just a couple of miles we left I-70 and turned onto US-6 West and US-191 North. |
The following pictures are of the drive to Draper, Utah. Just before Provo we merged onto I-15. I am pretty sure they are all in the right order. For most of the ride we were on two lanes but with passing lanes no more than 5 miles apart it is a pleasant drive. Even those vehicles stuck behind us never had to wait long to pass us by.
There were a lot of ups and downs today but nothing really steep. Though a few times the Stinger "B" picked up some pretty good speed going downhill. |
For several miles I was looking down at this river flowing next to the road. |
Watching someone's home go by in the opposite direction. |
We had several peeks of this snow covered peak |
then there it was right in front of us. |
We have found the traffic. |
Chick-fil-A has the cutest billboards. We have seen several Amazon semis this the first time we have seen their vans. |
The picture below is the RV Park we were headed for, Mountain Shadows RV and Mobile Home Park. Neither one of us remembers seeing the Mobile Home Park when we were looking for a place to stay. This is mostly long term residents. When Tom called the gentleman he talked to said, they were full but he did have some overflow parking with water and electricity. We talked about it and decided this would work just fine. This was not a destination park for us it was a stopover to re-stock the fridge and do some other shopping. What he did not mention was this overflow parking is on the road coming into the park. They do put out safety cones, as you can see in the picture, and we even have a cute little guy telling drivers to go slow. We are not alone; there is another motorhome parked with us and they have all their slides out. We opted not to push our living room further into the road. We are next to the dog walking area so as George,
Our Awesome Travels, would say we are getting our doggy fix. Plus, we are poolside unfortunately it is closed for the season. Not to mention we have a mountain view out our front window. The best part we are right across from the office and the WiFi is wonderful. All and all not a bad parking space.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Today we went shopping. Before we left I took a couple more pictures of our parking space. The top picture is the dog area they even have a waterfall. Below the pool area and then a closeup of our traffic guy.
This picture is for our daughter who sells Younique.
This is their corporate offices and distribution center. |
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Saturday we stayed pretty close to home most of the day. We went to 5 o'clock mass and did a little shopping before and after. We went out to eat at a restaurant called Cultivate a small restaurant that our server told us had just opened this week. In the same building is a restaurant, Cliff Dining Pub, owned by the same people which was our destination. As we were walking by towards the other restaurant looking in we decided to turn around and go in here instead. We shared three menu items and all three were delicious.
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church |
This is their Baptismal Font. The two stained glass windows beautifully depict St. John the Baptist baptizing Jesus. |
Top picture the sky as we walked out of Mass. Bottom picture was the sky from the parking lot when we came out of TJ Maxx. |
We enjoyed our time here in Draper. This RV Park is within 5 miles of everything we needed. We were able to re-stock our refrigerator, plus, pick up a few other things on my shopping list. Checking the weather before we went to bed last night we could see there was a possibility of snow this morning. Our goal today is to get past Salt Lake City and merge onto I-80 heading west. It is still early and we can see the traffic moving on I-15. Fingers crossed by the time we are ready to leave the snow will have stopped coming down.
Looking out our door this morning. |
P.S. It really has not been that bad being parked on the street.
Every morning Tom makes the coffee. It is so nice to start the day being handed a hot mug of coffee. May the start of all your days be just as nice. |
We are glad you stopped by for a visit.
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