
Sunday, December 10, 2023

A Windy Inside Sort of Day

Saturday, December 9, 2023

We went to bed Friday night with the wind and woke up Saturday morning with it still with us. It spent the day here only slowing down a bit every once and a while. We went to bed with it still howling Saturday night and as I write this Sunday morning it is still out there blowing away. Surprisingly with all the wind the mountains are not hidden behind a curtain of dust.

It had slowed down around the time the sun was setting on Saturday so I ventured out for a few pictures. The only clouds in the sky were along the horizon were the sun was setting for the day. As we looked out on the end of the day there was some lovely color in the west.

This was actually the last picture I took of our neighborhood
in the last of the afterglow.

The sun setting on our day.

I pointed my camera a little to the south of the setting sun.

This is to the east of us over the Cargo Muchacho Mountains.
The blue and pink was brighter but the camera did manage
to up some of the color. 

Today was a different type of day in our neighborhood not a lot of venturing out. Tom managed to get us some water and I pretty much finished my Christmas decorating and even did some cleaning.  The Neighborhood Happy Hour did not happen but Tom and I did enjoy one as we listened to Christmas Music in the warmth of our home. Plus, I did manage a short chit chat with Deb while we both took pictures of the sunset. Even with the wind, today qualifies as a good day parked in this place we are calling home for this moment in time out in the desert.

We are glad you stopped by!
If you have time to leave a comment we would enjoy hearing from you.


  1. One thing about the wind, all that dust does make for some fabulous sunset pictures.

    1. Dust does make for some great sunset pictures not sure if the wind is worth it

  2. It was a different kind of day but enjoyable all the same. Some great pics.


  3. Don't feel alone. Cold winds across the prairie here.

  4. We all had wind to deal with yesterday but still wonderful days here in the southwest. We must be die-hards! :)
    Lovely sunset photos.

    1. I guess you are right we are diehards or maybe we are just glad the wind is not blowing
      Thank you.

  5. I think the dust all blew away last week before you guys got here.

    1. Fingers crossed the dust is gone for good. Though I am guessing I will not get that
