
Sunday, January 8, 2023

The Days Continue to Move Forward In This Peaceful Place...

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Our day started after the sun was up a ways in the sky. We both took our second cup of coffee outside to enjoy the sunshine and happily Deb and Doug joined us. It is such a nice way to start the day. 

Today was laundry day for us so after our coffee we were up and moving. It has been about three weeks and it was time. No more excuses, this was the third day we had decided to do

Heading towards I-8 on Ogilby Road I just like the look
of the sky and the sand dunes in the distance.

By the time we got home we could see Deb and Doug sitting outside near the Igloo we brought our clothes in and then we were going to walk over to join them but they came our way. Not long after we sat down we could see a welcome sight, a blue truck coming our way. Always nice to have Ivan show up and join us. 

The sun is leaving our day.

After taking the two pictures above I was walking back to the Stinger "B" and Tom came out and suggested we take a ride into Yuma for hamburgers at Five Guys. I thought about it for a second and agreed it was an excellent idea. 

The last of the sun's light as we drove down 
Ogilby Road towards I-8 for the second time today.

After dinner we made a quick stop at Sprouts to pick up a few groceries before heading home.  

Out headlights as we pull into our spot do not penetrate very
 far into the inky black darkness that surrounds us out here.
Everything looks different after dark and sometimes the
challenge to find our home is real.

I took this of the moon over us with my phone.

Always nice to go out for dinner but even nicer to arrive back home. It was a day well spent.

Sunday, January 8, 2023


The little white dot is the moon.

There is the sun.

Then it is behind the clouds.

Is that a flying saucer off to the North of us?

Between the sun coming up and the sun going down it was a quiet day in our neighborhood. Tom dumped our tanks and filled our fresh water tank. I prepared two meatloaves, one for dinner and one to freeze.  

I am not sure what time it was but Doug and then Deb came over. We all sat and chatted for a bit then Doug got up to go home to take care of some stuff. While the rest of us just sat and enjoyed the company and the afternoon. After a while Doug and Yuma came back then we could see a dark blue truck heading our way and Ivan joined us for Happy Hour. In no time at all the sun was heading down and it was time to say our goodnights. 


As the sun is going down there are some 
great shadows in the mountains.

As I sit here writing these words tonight one thought keeps going through my lucky we are to be enjoying this time together and with friends. Life is good.

We are glad you stopped by!
If you have time to leave a comment we would enjoy hearing from you.


  1. It is a challenge to get home in the dark at times, I agree. It has been a very nice few days with lots of taking it easy, I think I needed that. It’s always nice when Ivan shows up, he definitely adds some sparkle to the day, I enjoy the banter. The quote is si true, thanks for sharing.


    1. The "lie" we tell ourselves is, it will be easy to find our way back even if it is Having Ivan show up does add sparkle to the chatting.

  2. That's one reason you see those little piles of rocks in the desert. When we were in the mountains, my dad always said to look back often ... so you would remember which way to go. Especially at night!!

    1. Unfortunately, a lot of people just pile rocks to pile rocks. Good advice from your Dad!

  3. Yes, love the quote too! Glad you're enjoying your time there. Looks very nice and homey!

  4. It was a nice quiet day with very nice weather. Nice to have another member to our happy hour with Ivan stopping by. Beautiful sunrises and sunsets in this area. Great pictures.

    1. Thank you, Doug. We would definitely agree about the sunrises and sunsets out here and having Ivan stop.
