
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Still Heading East and Slightly South

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

We pulled out of the Walmart in Austin, MN around 10 o'clock after enjoying our coffee. Just taking our time and enjoying the start of the day. 

Below our some pictures of  the day's uneventful ride. Most of today was spent on I-90 and the scenery was Midwest farm country flat at times with some rolling hills. Lots of corn fields and green trees some of which are starting to take on the color of fall. It was the best kind of travel day. 

"Wild Oats"

We spent the night in Austin and then we passed by the 
exit to Houston. 

I do love seeing a windmill in the distance.

Then the road is headed down towards the Mississippi River.
The green driving through here is beautiful and when the Fall
Color it must be gorgeous.

After seeing glimpses of the river it came into full view.

Crossing over the Mississippi River near LaCrosse, WI.
We are officially back in the East.

I almost missed the Wisconsin Sign.

I was not sure these guys should count with there flashing lights
but as Tom said they were on the highway and we did pass them.

The beauty continues.

The trees are starting to change colors.

The clouds were mostly white and fluffy today.

Great water tower in Montello, WI 

Fox River

The windshield is a mess from all the bugs who have met their
demise on it today.  We are on a two lane state highway.
Saw several silos like these along this stretch.

We stopped for the night at the Walmart in Fond du Lac, WI. We are getting ready to leave here and travel the last few miles to my sister's driveway near Sheboygan, WI. Looking forward to spending time with family and attending the wedding of our nephew and his bride. 

We are glad you stopped by!
If you have time to leave a comment we would enjoy hearing from you.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


 Tuesday, September 24, 2024

We were up before the sun this morning. A quick mug of coffee and it was time to get everything ready to roll.  It is time to head back east. Before we point the nose of the Stinger "B" East we have one last stop to make at Schapps RV Traveland for what we are hoping solves the battery issue we are having with the Jeep when we are towing.

Our spot at the Red Barn RV Park in Tea, SD

The technician at Schapps was ready for us when we arrived and in no time at all the job was done. Tom paid the bill, we hooked up the "Jeep With No Name" and we were on our way.

Just 19 miles later we were pulling into the Minnesota
Welcome Center. 

This semi passed and left us in the dust.

Then we passed this guy.

We started the day under blue skies and just a few fluffy
white clouds. Then dark clouds were visible ahead.

Pictures of the scenery and sky as we made our way east on I-90.

The trees are starting show some color.

Tonight we are tucked in at the Walmart in Austin, MN. Walking up a short hill of grass on our way to dinner this evening I looked down and it was filled with wishes. I usually end our blog with a quote I have come across and saved but tonight I will just close with this picture and a wish.

May your wishes come true!

We are glad you stopped by!
If you have time to leave a comment we would enjoy hearing from you.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

We are in South Dakota

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Yes, we are still around! I know it has been awhile since I posted on Sunday, April 7th and that post did not even catch the blog up to that date then. Now well I have a lot of catching up to

Were to begin is the question? I have a lot of pictures and notes to fill in the time between the beginning of March and now. It has been a busy, whirlwind of a summer since we crossed the Mackinac Bridge on April 24th. There was a 1st Communion on April 28th, our daughter-in-law made two visits to the UP with our grandchildren, we made three visits downstate to our son and daughter-in-law's home. (One of the visits was to watch out son be Commissioned into the Naval Reserve) There were birthday celebrations and we attended a dance recital. We watched two different children's plays, attended three band concerts (one of which was a marching band) and a orchestra concert. Plus, we attended a couple of track meets and several soccer games. I even attended a middle school open house. In between Tom spent quite a bit of time helping our daughter get her house ready to be put up for sale. When I say it has been a whirlwind I think you get the idea. So there was no time to work on the blog but I did take time to read blogs to see what everyone was up to.  

After thinking about it I have decided to start with where we are presently which is the Red Barn RV Park in Tea, South Dakota. Why we are here will unfold below.

I did not take a lot of pictures of our drive here but I will take some more when we back track east, more on that in a future blog.

Crossing the Mississippi officially in the West for a few weeks.
We crossed by La Crosse, WI.

Just a few pictures as we left Wisconsin behind and crossed
into Minnesota. 

Leaving the Walmart in Albert Lea, MN I spotted this
restaurant. How cute is that name?

First stop in South Dakota the Valley Springs Welcome Center.

We made it to Tea, SD

We were on our way to South Dakota and all our grandchildren were starting a new school year.

So why September in the Sioux Falls, South Dakota area? As most of you know we are full time RVer's and as such if we want to bank and vote we need a legal permanent address. Sioux Falls, SD which is in Minnehaha County is where we chose to do this. We rent an address with a mail service here called, Your Best Address. When we made this decision we became residents of South Dakota and this is where we are registered to vote.  One of the things  that comes along with being registered to vote is the possibility of being called on to be available for Jury Duty and earlier this year I received such a notice.  I must say the Clerk of the Courts I spoke to was very understanding and accommodating. When I first received my notice I called in and we changed my month from April to October. Then when I had to call and change from October to September again very understanding. So that is why we are here. 

For the most part we have been enjoying our time here. I say for most part because we did have to have some work done on the motorhome's engine which involved spending a couple of nights in a hotel. The fun part about living fulltime in a motorhome when it needs to be inside a diesel shop for an extended time.  The good news the diesel shop, I-State Truck Centers, fixed the problem along with giving us a small discount.  

Over the years we have been very blessed/lucky to find business willing to help us out and get us back on the road quickly. This past month we had a issue with the front tire on the driver side of the motorhome. We were parked at the Walmart in Tomah, WI and Tom saw what looked like oil leaking out of that tire. After making a couple of calls we found a place, Allstate Peterbilt of Tomah, willing to look at. What he said on the phone was they could look at but they were booked up solid and would not be able to work on it. When we got there he looked at it and said I will send out the next mechanic that finishes what they are doing to fix it. It turns out it was the wheel hub leaking and the seal needed to be replaced. Yes, they charged us but not an unreasonable amount. We have been having trouble with our Jeep battery losing its charge when we are towing. When this happens we cannot disconnect it from the motorhome. Luckily we can still tow it. We stopped at Sturdevant's Auto Parts in Sioux Falls they could not help us but sent us to Tires, Tires, Tires. They put it on there charger and it charged right up and they could not see anything wrong with the battery itself. No charge. Then the Jeep needed to have the electrical system checked out and that was luckily under warranty. Tom was back there today we picked up something in one of the Jeep tires and it has a slow leak that needed to be fixed. He was there a couple of hours, same gentleman who helped us with the battery, after fixing the tire said because of your wait no charge. Yes, there are good people in this world and we have been lucky to come in contact with several of them over the years. 

St. Michael's Catholic Church.
Where we have been going to Mass while we are here.

Back in April of 2023 we came this way to get our Driver's License renewed and we spent several hours walking around and taking pictures at the Falls Park (this is that blog post). We were having a lot of trouble with our Jeep at the time and never went back to see it with the lights at night. It was on my list for this time.

We stopped earlier in the day.

Then we went back later in the evening.

We thought there would be spot lights directed at the water but
there are just the lights around the park. Still pretty at night.

Early morning breakfast at Rosie's. We turned the corner and 
both said, we have been here before. A tiny "hole in the wall"
the menu is on the napkin holder and the wall. Nothing fancy
but the food is and the coffee is not bad.

We  had  brunch downtown two different times.
Once at Josiah's Coffee House and another time at 
Phillips Avenue Diner. 

Both times when we ate downtown we took a walk on Phillips Street. Below are some of the pictures I took.

Fountain on Phillips Street.

Two of the utility boxes in Sioux Falls wrapped with 
vinyl art work.

Built in 1926: The State Theatre emerged as a cultural jewel in Sioux Falls, conceived to showcase the allure of silent films and the charm of vaudeville performances. Built by Henry Carlson Construction and operated by Moses Finkelstein and Isaac Ruben, the State Theatre was known for its Beaux Arts-inspired design and majestic architecture.
The Golden Age: The State Theatre became the premier destination for filmgoers throughout the 1930s and 40s. In 1956 it hosted the world premiere of THE LAST HUNT, starring Steward Granger, Russ Tamblyn and Venetia Stevenson.
The Unfortunate Closure: In 1990, amidst the changing landscape of Sioux Falls, the State Theatre faced solemn closure. Reasons for closure were cited as too many movie theaters and mechanical problems. Ironically, the last movie to show at the State was OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS. The Theatre was listed for sale for $150,000.
Reading about this theater's history there was a group determined to save this theater from the time it closed until it reopened in 2020. It is still an ongoing project and there are more renovations to be done.

In 2005, the Sioux Falls State Theatre Company, a 501c3 non-profit, was formed to save the building and restore it to its original grandeur.
Reopening: On December 11th, 2020, after nearly 30 years of being closed, the Sioux Falls StateTheatre opened to the public with a showing of WHITE CHRISTMAS.

SculptureWalk Sioux Falls is the largest annual exhibit of public sculptures in the world. Our mission is to bring art to the people, and our guiding principle is to be the highest quality, most professional, financially strong, artist friendly, year-round outdoor sculpture program in the United States.

Curated by a blind jury of local dignitaries and art enthusiasts, works are graciously loaned by the artists and installed in the spring throughout downtown Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to be continuously displayed all year. The public votes for the “People’s Choice Award” from May through September, and the favorite sculpture is awarded a cash prize and special recognition. Also, industry experts select “Best of Show” awards, which honor works achieving the highest levels of artistic merit and creativity. The winning piece is purchased by the city of Sioux Falls to be put on permanent display.

Below are some of the sculptures we walked by on Phillips Street. 

When Tom planted these three Ocotillo cuttings back in February I really was not sure they would take. I had read two things that cuttings would grow in a pot and it does not hurt the Ocotillo to take cuttings. When they were planted the stems were filled with tiny green leaves which, as I figured, in no time all dried up and fell off. I had also read it could take several months for the cuttings to root. I have not dug them up as of yet to see if they have any roots. The surprise was last week when the one cutting sprouted leaves...:)

September 18, 2024

So this is a quick update as far as what we have been doing since we left the UP on
August 28th.

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