
Monday, January 8, 2024

It Has Been Windy in the Desert

Monday, January 8, 2024

The wind was with us for the second day in a row. At the same time the sky was a beautiful blue.

It was a busy morning for Tom after coffee he went out the door to take care of dumping our black tank. We made a decision a few years ago to purchase a blue boy and that means we do not have to move every time we dump which makes it somewhat easier. After that fun he was off to the rest area just west of us on I-8 to fill our water bladder. Our fresh water tank was reading empty. I honestly had one bit of paperwork to take care of and other then making dinner it was pretty much a do nothing day for me. I did not even take one picture. We did spend some time video chatting with our youngest grandson which was mostly listening to him talk about and show us his little cars and then a few minutes chatting with his sister. Some of the special moments in life. 

In the end it was a quiet but a good day.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

When I first woke up this morning I could hear a soft rain on the roof and there was some wind. As the morning progressed we had a few more drops of rain and the wind stayed with us steadily picking up. After lunch we made the decision to pull our livingroom slide in. We had decided earlier to go to 4 o'clock Mass at St. Thomas Yuma Indian Mission Catholic Church and just after lunch we also decided to take a short ride before heading to Mass. 

The pictures below are of the Cargo Muchacho Mountains. This is the view out our living room windows. As I was drinking my coffee this morning I could see the shadows moving across the mountains and it is a beautiful show to watch. On a day with blue skies, big fluffy clouds, and a breeze the only way I can think to describe what I would sit out and watch is the shadows dancing in and out of the crevices as the breeze moves the clouds across the sky. Today was not that type of day it was a cold windy day and definitely not a day I would describe as a sit outside and watch the clouds day. So I decided to see if I could take some pictures of the show through our window and I was pleasantly surprised with the results.

Between the clouds, the wind, and the sunlight it is a beautiful constantly changing show to watch. 

The sky is now a beautiful clear blue
no more clouds to create the shadows. 

On the ride we took we saw several Ocotillos filled with tiny green leaves up and down their branches. It was just a short ride along the power line behind us and closer to the mountains.

The Ocotillos are filled with tiny green leaves

and some have red blossoms at the tips of their branches.

We followed the power line to the American Girl Mine Road then followed it to Ogilby Road. Even though it was windy we could not see any real amount of dust in the air. That all changed as we turned on to Ogilby Road. As can be seen in the pictures below. This area is sand and connected to the Imperial Sand Dunes just a little further down  the road. So when the wind is blowing the sand is moving. 

On the bridge going over the I-8 it looks like a blizzard.

Going East toward Yuma the air looks somewhat brown.
The camera did not pick that color up. 
Pile Knob Peak.

Small Chapel up the hill at the "Center of the World"

From the Parking Area up the hill at the Church.
I just was getting out of the Jeep when I saw this train
coming by just below us.

The back altar and one of the stain glass windows there are
several and they are all alike. 

Today was Epiphany Sunday. The day the church celebrates
the arrival of the Wiseman. There representation was added to
the creche along with a camel.

Epiphany, the manifestation of God, is a lovely opportunity to rejoice that Christ has appeared for all men regardless of race or status.

Going Back a Few Days In Time

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Today Tom and Ken were off with Tom's metal detector to check out a few areas close to the mountains. What will they find only time will tell. So far shell casings and tin cans are what is being found.

While Tom was gone I finished what I had started the day before, putting away the Christmas decorations I had put out, specifically the ones outside. After doing that I fixed myself a third cup of coffee, took my kindle outside, put my feet up, and did something I have not done in a while. I started reading a book. A nice way to spend a couple of hours out in the sunshine relaxing.

My views as I sat outside.

We did spend a couple of hours enjoying Happy Hour with Kim, Ken, Keith, and Deb. After every one headed home I did step back outside to take some pictures of the sky as the sun set on our day.

Clouds do enhance

the sunsets

and tonight there were clouds.

Standing in our doorway looking out over the Igloo.

Then the sky turned a lovely pink before the darkness
started to surround us.

Friday, January 5, 2024

Today Riley treated us to a selection of Beef Jerky and some Turkey Jerky for us to try during Happy Hour. Deb mixed up some Bloody Mary's for those of us who were interested and I was along with Kim and Ken. We all agreed the combination made for a nice treat. Tom and Keith passed on the Bloody Mary's but enjoyed the Jerky just the same. Thank you to Deb and Riley for tonight's treat.

Tonight's Sunset

Thursday, January 4, 2024

I really wanted to get some new glasses and today I decided was a good day to do just that. Deb and Riley came along in the Jeep with us. Kim, Ken, and Keith went earlier and we did run into them at the El Paraiso Restaurant when we stopped for lunch and Margaritas. As I tried to decide on a pair Deb, Riley, and Tom very patiently made the trip up and down between the two places I was looking at two times and then a third time to pick them up. I did come home with new glasses, basically the first ones I tried on, and so far I am very happy with them. 

El Paraiso Restaurant in Los Algodones

Top picture: Crossing over the  All American Canal
as we head towards I-8 after leaving Mexico.
Bottom picture: View off towards the border wall
as we head towards Mexico.

We have spent many wonderful days parked out here in the Sonoran Desert just off of Ogilby Road surrounded by friends and these days described above are part of those memories.

We are glad you stopped by!
If you have time to leave a comment we would enjoy hearing from you.


  1. Ah yes, those winds and dust storm that leave a layer of dirt on everything. Don't miss those. But we do miss those sunsets!

    1. If you RV you better be able to deal with dust because it is a constant battle and it usually When you clean you are only making room for the next batch that is on its way. The rewards for fighting the battle is experiencing the beauty of the desert and this country for that matter.

  2. It’s been a quiet two days. Lol. Happy hour on Friday was fun, some left over ideas from our pre Christmas days. I like the glasses, and we enjoyed the jaunt into Mexico!


    1. Friday was fun. Thank you for helping me pick out my glasses.

  3. Read the latest update, it was a couple of hunker down days for sure.

  4. The wind is increasing here as well.
    Glad you are Enjoying your time in the Southwest.
    You didn't show your new glasses.
    Stay Safe.

    It's about time.

    1. I think the wind swept right across the continent. Looking at the weather back that way we cannot complain about some wind and chilly temperatures. At least there is no white stuff accompany it. Stay warm.
